Hakem Rehberi

When you are reviewing research papers with IKSAD Journal, you are part of our global community contributing to the research in impactful areas of economic and social sciences. In the dynamic global economy and changing social landscape, you will be part of a community determined to provide accurate and impactful solutions to the existing problems and challenges. 

We do believe that your review will ensure quality research work, studies and articles published in IKSAD Journal. 

In order to have a quality review, the following points are regarded essential for IKSAD Journal:

1. Ensure the manuscript shared with you matches your expertise.

2. Ensure there is no potential conflict of interest in conducting review for a particular topic or author.

3. Ensure you have adequate time to meet the deadline set for review.

4. Ensure all the manuscript details remain confidential and undisclosed with any other party.

5. Ensure manuscript contains credible information with authentic sources and quality research methodology along with impactful findings. 

6. Make sure due considerations are made to religious, cultural, geographical, societal, gender and all other sensitives by authors. 

7. In addition to the author responsibility, ensure that the manuscript research was safely carried out and did not pose any harm to human, animal and environment. 

The reviewer details remain confidential with the journal editors and only reviewed topics, revisions, comments and recommendation are shared with the authors.

Decision and recommendation of the reviewers:

1. Reject Submission ( explain reasons for rejection)

2. Accept Submission (without any revisions)

3. Revision required (please provide your specific feedback and corrections in the manuscript-and the basis for revision)

In case the author does not agree with certain recommendations, he/she may share the reservations with journal editors along with supporting information. 

For new reviewers volunteering for IKSAD Journal, please send your CV along with relevant details to iksadjournal@gmail.com