Fear of Covid-19, Psychological Well-Being, Employee PerformanceAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship between fear of Covid-19, psychological well-being and employee performance. In short, the fear of Covid-19 is the fear of catching the Covid-19 virus; psychological well-being, being psychologically well; Employee performance refers to the level of performance of employees' duties. First of all, the fear of Covid-19, psychological well-being and employee performance were explained. Then, the methodology of the current study is discussed. The main mass consists of teachers working in the center and districts of Hatay province, and the target audience was tried to be reached by online survey method. Number, percentage, normal distribution, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and correlation analyzes were performed on the obtained data by means of SPSS program. As a result of the analysis, it was found that there is no negative relationship between the fear of Covid-19 and psychological well-being, and there is no relationship between employee performance, and there is a positive relationship between psychological well-being and employee performance. In addition, recommendations have been developed for researchers and practitioners.
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