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Hagiophobia, Telophobia, Stigiophobia, Religious HorrorAbstract
Religion and phobia relationship has not been approached as a specific study until today. We did not research this topic in depth due to religious concerns. When religion and phobia relationship is approached in the context of data of psychology, it becomes evident that there is a multifacted relationship instead of a single faceted. This multi faceted relationship will be examined under two headings. Phobia against holy objects and the reasons and characteristics of this phobia will be handled under the first heading. Phobia which exists in religion and characteristics of this phobia and its reflections on daily life of an individual will be handled under the second heading. Phobia against great and holy things is called “hagiophobia.” However, phobia which stems from religious ceremonies is not encompassed by hagiophobia. Phobia which arises from religious rituals and ceremonies is called “telophobia.” Traumatic events, individuals have experienced int the past and prejudiced attitudes and behaviors against religious values, objects and ceremonies, arising from family or environment or own accumulation of knowledge of an individual play an important role in the formation of these phobias. The terms Hadephobia and stigiophobia are the phobias against the punishment, promised to be given by God and is in religious doctrine, for people who do not obey the commandments of a religion and do evil.
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