Sexual Dysfunctions in Women Who Had Masectomy A Compilation on

Mastectomy, Sexual Dysfunction, SexualityAbstract
The purpose of this review study is that Mastectomy, one of the most common treatments for breast cancer, is lifelong and eliminates the resulting Sexual Dysfunctions. The data presented and examined were shown in a literature review with keywords including 'mastectomy, breast cancer, sexual life, sexual dysfunction, sexuality'. Cancer treatment process, surgical and treatment methods, as well as psychological reactions and the results of psychological solutions. This compilation study was carried out in two stages, with registration in March, 2024 and May, 2024. As a result of the literature review, the method of surgical Mastectomy applied is as follows; sexual dysfunction and psychological effects are mentioned. The importance of psychological and social support of female individuals, where these effects were discussed, and the results of therapy methods were explained.
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