A Compilation on the Analysis of Dreams from the Jungian Perspective

Jung, Dream, Symbol, Archetype, Active ImaginationAbstract
The purpose of this review article is to explain the analysis of dreams from the perspective of Carl Gustav Jung. Dreams are one of the general and characteristic factors of the sleep state and are visual and auditory perceptions and emotions that are closely related to the rapid eye movement (REM) stages of sleep. Jung has had a great interest in the concept of dreams since his childhood. This interest subsequently resulted in studies in the scientific field. He benefited from religion, mythology and different social cultures in his dream research. According to Jung, the source of dreams is the unconscious. Archetypes that exist in the unconscious become symbolic in dreams. In order to understand the content and meaning of dreams, it is necessary to master the meanings of these symbols. Jung divides dreams into three. These dream types are as follows; They are in the form of big dreams, common dreams and childhood dreams. According to Jung, dreams have many functions. Its most important function is to maintain the balancing context between consciousness and unconscious. According to Jung, a dream is not sufficient for the concept of dreams to be interpreted and deciphered. More than one dream is necessary for analysis and meaning. Jung first used the active imagination method for dream analysis, and then worked on the amplification method, which also included the concept of active dreaming.
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