Feminist Discourse in the Algerian Cinema A Semiological Study of the Film "I Still Hide to Smoke"

Feminist discourse, Algerian cinema, Film “I still hide to smoke”Abstract
Algerian cinema, despite its small production volume, conveys meaningful messages. The research and technicalities of film building have become a scientific need in identifying the broad contours of Algerian cinematic identity. With this in mind, the purpose of this study is to reveal the characteristics of the feminist discourse in Algerian cinema and how they were manifested in the film "I Still Hide to Smoke," as well as to study the socio-cultural context of the film in its cinematic peculiarities and to dismantle its style of expressing feminism within Algerian society. The study also aims to examine the picture of Algerian feminism portrayed in the film (statement and inclusion) and assess how closely they adhere to Algerian societal norms. The research was conducted using feminist ideas and semiology analysis, and it took three anticipated months to finish.
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