The Use of Short Films in Philosophical Inquiry with Children

Doing philosophy with children, philosophy for children (P4C), short films, phılosophical inquiryAbstract
Doing philosophy with children involves a philosophical inquiry with a facilitator, with a limited number of children, within the framework of certain group rules. In the inquiry process, in line with the concept to be discussed; different stimuli such as children's stories, short films, poems, cartoons, an event that happened that day, a musical work, games, a work of art or thinking experiments, philosophical novels, traditional stories, fictional texts, poems, photographs, drama, music and video available can be utilized. It should be meticulously taken into consideration that the stimuli to be selected are suitable for the age and developmental characteristics of the children and close to their daily life experiences. In this study, the investigation of philosophy with short films, which are visual media products that attract the attention of the new generation, is emphasized. In the study, the relevant literature was reviewed, and the importance of philosophy with children, how the process of philosophy education with children should be, how short films should be used in this process and sample short films were included.
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