IKSAD JOURNAL https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad Institute of Economic Development and Social Researches en-US IKSAD JOURNAL 2630-6166 Osho's Approach to Yoga and Tantra Methods on the Path to Ultimate Liberation https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/280 <p>Throughout history, humanity has mostly viewed the life it has lived as a stepping stone to an eternal life. For this reason, human beings have constantly tried to investigate and make sense of the nature, why and why of existence. Man's search for meaning has revealed many intellectual movements. This quest, which originates from the natural structure of man, expresses itself even more strongly in different ways, even though it seems to be suppressed in today's society of pleasure and speed, where the tangible is constantly valued. Nowadays, people living in depression are searching for ways that will ultimately lead them to salvation, and at this point they are turning to new religious movements. In this context, the Osho movement attracted our attention. Osho's glorification of the human body and expansion of areas of freedom, contrary to masochistic approaches to achieving ultimate salvation, are attractive to individuals. Osho sees yoga and tantra as different methods and claims that tantra is the more effective scientific technique in reaching ultimate salvation. Therefore, in this article, Osho's approach to the teaching of Tantra as a way to attain ultimate liberation will be discussed.</p> Muhammet Yıldız Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 1 12 10.5281/zenodo.13128378 Development of Coherent Speech in Children Whose Speech Language is not Developed https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/281 <p>When checking speech activity, the most important component is to determine the state of coherent speech of children with general speech underdevelopment. The work on speech development is very closely related to play, physical education, music, and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Each action has its own characteristic tasks to be solved, issues of speech development of children with hearing impairment. Various types of artistic activities also play an important role in a child's development. These include sensory perception, the formation of ideas about the environment, and emotional and aesthetic effects. According to special psychological data, a child's coherent speech is carried out only if he consciously perceives objects of the environment. Therefore, it was noticed that educational work, such as teaching coherent speech, the ability to make sentences from words, providing a conscious understanding of the meaning of individual words, analyzing the sound composition of words in a sentence, understanding the order of place, is not carried out enough in special schools.</p> Gulbarshyn Rakhymbayeva Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 13 16 10.5281/zenodo.13131684 The State of Traditional and Social Media in Sudan https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/282 <p>This paper investigates the media landscape in the Republic of Sudan, focusing on both traditional and social media platforms. Traditional media, including radio and television, serves a wide audience by providing content in various languages, encompassing both local and international perspectives, though these media outlets are subject to governmental control. In contrast, social media platforms play a critical role in Sudanese society by offering an interactive space for individuals to express their opinions, share news, and disseminate information. These platforms have become pivotal for grassroots movements, enabling the Sudanese populace to voice concerns and advocate for social causes. However, it is imperative to recognize that social media also poses the risk of perpetuating misinformation and false narratives. Therefore, it is essential for users to exercise critical discernment regarding the information encountered. In conclusion, the judicious use of both traditional and social media platforms is crucial in shaping the future trajectory of Sudan and fostering substantive connections among its citizens.</p> Rawan Husseen Hassan Mohammed Mehmet Toplu Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 17 30 10.5281/zenodo.13142034 Feminist Discourse in the Algerian Cinema A Semiological Study of the Film "I Still Hide to Smoke" https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/283 <p>Algerian cinema, despite its small production volume, conveys meaningful messages. The research and technicalities of film building have become a scientific need in identifying the broad contours of Algerian cinematic identity. With this in mind, the purpose of this study is to reveal the characteristics of the feminist discourse in Algerian cinema and how they were manifested in the film "I Still Hide to Smoke," as well as to study the socio-cultural context of the film in its cinematic peculiarities and to dismantle its style of expressing feminism within Algerian society. The study also aims to examine the picture of Algerian feminism portrayed in the film (statement and inclusion) and assess how closely they adhere to Algerian societal norms. The research was conducted using feminist ideas and semiology analysis, and it took three anticipated months to finish.</p> Salah Eddine Guettal Zakir Avşar Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 31 47 10.5281/zenodo.13199896 Psychogeographic Maps and Mobility in Tony Chakar's Alternative Urbanism Approach https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/284 <p>Thinking about cities, producing ideas or presenting a new mise en scene, the process of city formation, impressions, fragmentations, traces, architectural designs, non-uniform view, mobility, fluidity, heterogeneity, dissolution, transformation, lifestyle, conflicts, wars, the connotations-contradictions it evokes, begin in proportion to seeing and confronting them. In this context, the works of architect and contemporary artist Tony Chakar, which produce an alternative history against the state-supported amnesic official narrative around the crisis of representing the experienced violence history and social trauma of “missing” subjects who are effectively silenced or rendered invisible by the neoliberal denial policies and narratives of Beirut and Beirut city center (Downtown), which is likened to an incubator of religious-ethnic conflicts in the 1975-1990 Lebanese Civil War, will be discussed. In this study, which is shaped around the relationship between war, city, space, memory and architecture, the lost image of the city divided by the civil war, the missing persons of the war, mass graves, modernity and neoliberal economic policies, and the temporarily suspended amnesic existence of the Downtown, which was transferred to the population of the real estate company Solidere (Societé Libanaise, le Développement et la Reconstruction de la Centre Ville de Beyrouth), will be evaluated through Chakar’s works Eyeless Map, Yesterday’s Man and The Sky Over Beirut. These works of the artist, which are an effort and expression of recovery after the civil war, are analyzed by discussing whether the Downtown causes individual and social dissolution, contradiction, anxiety, uncertainty and displacement, accompanied by architectural structures, memories, narratives, mapping, imaginary representations and city walks, around the themes of space, memory and trauma. In addition, the question of whether there is a Lefebvre and Situationist influence on Chakar's work on Solidere's demand for the right to the city in response to new memory spaces is discussed and answered.</p> Songül Geldi Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 48 64 10.5281/zenodo.13200487 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adult Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder: A Case Report https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/290 <p>Symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) typically begin in childhood but often persist into adulthood. The present study examined adult ADHD. Symptoms such as attention problems, impulsivity, sleep disturbances, and hyperactivity are observed in most cases. Besides biological and genetic factors, environmental stimuli also play a role in the emergence of the disorder. In this study, a 20-year-old female client who met the criteria for ADHD according to DSM-V was treated within the cognitive-behavioural therapy framework. The client sought therapy particularly after the onset of certain symptoms, notably during the period of university entrance exams. The content of the sessions is sequentially described in the research. To enhance the effectiveness of therapy during these sessions, resources such as the Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory, Therapy Goals Form, and Automatic Thoughts Exam Form were utilized. In addition to these, the client was given various assignments to promote insight. The client's core beliefs and automatic thoughts were compiled into a table. Following the acquisition of sufficient coping strategies and learning to utilize strong internal resources, a farewell session was conducted, and the sessions were concluded.</p> Berat Akkaya Meryem Karaaziz Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 65 79 10.5281/zenodo.13294065 A Compilation on the Analysis of Dreams from the Jungian Perspective https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/293 <p>The purpose of this review article is to explain the analysis of dreams from the perspective of Carl Gustav Jung. Dreams are one of the general and characteristic factors of the sleep state and are visual and auditory perceptions and emotions that are closely related to the rapid eye movement (REM) stages of sleep. Jung has had a great interest in the concept of dreams since his childhood. This interest subsequently resulted in studies in the scientific field. He benefited from religion, mythology and different social cultures in his dream research. According to Jung, the source of dreams is the unconscious. Archetypes that exist in the unconscious become symbolic in dreams. In order to understand the content and meaning of dreams, it is necessary to master the meanings of these symbols. Jung divides dreams into three. These dream types are as follows; They are in the form of big dreams, common dreams and childhood dreams. According to Jung, dreams have many functions. Its most important function is to maintain the balancing context between consciousness and unconscious. According to Jung, a dream is not sufficient for the concept of dreams to be interpreted and deciphered. More than one dream is necessary for analysis and meaning. Jung first used the active imagination method for dream analysis, and then worked on the amplification method, which also included the concept of active dreaming.</p> Esma Katırcıoğlu Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 80 91 10.5281/zenodo.13361381 Sexual Dysfunctions in Women Who Had Masectomy A Compilation on https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/294 <p>The purpose of this review study is that Mastectomy, one of the most common treatments for breast cancer, is lifelong and eliminates the resulting Sexual Dysfunctions. The data presented and examined were shown in a literature review with keywords including 'mastectomy, breast cancer, sexual life, sexual dysfunction, sexuality'. Cancer treatment process, surgical and treatment methods, as well as psychological reactions and the results of psychological solutions. This compilation study was carried out in two stages, with registration in March, 2024 and May, 2024. As a result of the literature review, the method of surgical Mastectomy applied is as follows; sexual dysfunction and psychological effects are mentioned. The importance of psychological and social support of female individuals, where these effects were discussed, and the results of therapy methods were explained.</p> Esma Katırcıoğlu Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 92 102 10.5281/zenodo.13361478 Political and Social Activities of the Orthodox “Rum” Archbishop of Cyprus During the Sultan Mahmud II Period https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/279 <p>Sultan II. Selim döneminde Latinlerin zulmünden kurtarılarak yeniden ihya edilen Kıbrıs Başpiskoposluğu yeni bir organizasyona tabi tutuldu ve 1572 yılında 4 piskoposluğa bölündü. Bu piskoposluklar Lefkoşa, Baf, Limasol ve Magosa olarak belirlendi. Böylece Latinler döneminde kesilmiş olan İstanbul Fener Rum Patrikliği ile olan ilişkiler de yeniden kurulmuş oldu. 1600’lü yıllarda başlayan iktisadi bunalım, Kıbrıs’ta da kendini gösterince Osmanlı Devleti ağırlaşan ekonomik şartların etkisini hafifletmek ve adadan başlayan göçleri durdurmak istedi. Adaya dışarıdan yapılan müdahaleleri ortadan kaldırmak isteyen devlet, Kıbrıs Başpiskopos’unu reayanın koruyucusu ilan etmek zorunda kaldı. Kıbrıs Başpiskoposluğu’nda başlayan bu yükseliş kısa bir zaman sonra piskoposların hiçbir aracıya gerek duymadan İstanbul ile bağlantı kurabilecek siyasi yetkilere de sahip olmasını sağladı. Bu siyasi yükseliş piskoposluğun nüfuz alanını genişletmiştir. 19. Yüzyılın başlarına kadar 4 piskoposluk bölgesine sahip olan Kıbrıs Başpiskoposluğu, bu tarihten sonra 2 piskoposluk bölgesi daha ilave edilerek genişlemesini sürdürdü. Buna karşılık yetkileri bir kez daha genişletilmiş olan reaya vekilliği, Sultan II. Mahmud tarafından başpiskopos ve yardımcısı metropolitlere verildi. Sultan II. Mahmud döneminde reaya vekilliği yapan 3 başpiskopos ve 3 piskopos tespit edilebilmektedir.</p> <p>Bildirimiz reaya koruyucusu olarak görevlendirilen bu 3 başpiskoposun Sultan II. Mahmud döneminde Bab-ı Ali nezdinde yürüttükleri siyasi ve sosyal politikaları üzerine olacaktır.</p> Haydar Çoruh Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 103 113 10.5281/zenodo.13364634 Problems Of Transported Education And Solution Suggestions (Bünyan Example) https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/299 <p>The main purpose of this research is to provide the opinions of school administrators and teachers regarding the problems experienced in the implementation of transported education and to propose solutions to these problems. In the research conducted, a case study design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used. The study group consisted of 5 school administrators and 20 teachers working in transported educational institutions in Kayseri province in the 2023-2024 academic year. While obtaining the data of the research conducted, an interview form consisting of three open-ended questions was used with the opinions received from experts. The data of the research were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed with descriptive analysis. As a result of the study, the problems that school administrators and teachers saw and experienced regarding the implementation of transported education were grouped under three headings, the main problems originating from national education were inadequacy of service vehicles, lack of communication between service drivers, and disruptions in food services. The problems originating from the family were mostly the lack of interaction between parents and the school and the discussions with service drivers. Among the problems originating from the environment, the bad roads, the roads not being opened due to weather conditions, the lack of necessary precautions and the adaptation problems of students with transportation are listed at the top of the list. In the research, the deficiencies seen in the transportation education application were tried to be solved with the suggestions made for the problems expressed by the participants.</p> Tolga POLAT Dinçer BALIKÇI Mahmut ALTUNBULAK Emin BOZOKLU Alev BOZOKLU Abdurrahim TELKIRAT Sebahattin DURNA Aylin ÖZTÜRK Harun ÇELEBİ İbrahim Halil ALAGEYİK Emine DEMİR Melek GÜNGÖR Nimet ŞAHİN Semih SEZGİN Kadir Baki NACAR Sinan KOŞAR Levent ALTAŞ Mehmet Faruk ÇALIŞKAN Erol ÜSTÜN Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 114 133 10.5281/zenodo.14670986 Öğretmenlerin Web 2.0 Araçlarını Kullanma Yeterliliklerinin İncelenmesi https://iksadjournal.com/index.php/iksad/article/view/300 <p>This study examines teachers' experiences with Web 2.0 tools, the impact of these tools on students, and the support teachers need for more effective use. The research was conducted with 17 teachers working in the Malatya 2024-2025 academic year. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool, and face-to-face interviews were conducted in October, November, and December of 2024. The findings show that teachers use Web 2.0 tools to increase student participation, visualize lesson materials, and create interactive learning environments. However, teachers stated that they feel the need for applied training and technical support while using these tools. Additionally, Web 2.0 tools were reported to increase students' motivation, engagement in lessons, and social skills. Teachers expressed a need for the development of their digital skills, strengthening of technical infrastructure, and continuous professional development opportunities related to digital tools. In conclusion, it was emphasized that improving training content, technical support, and infrastructure is necessary for teachers to use Web 2.0 tools more effectively.</p> Yıldız KİRAZ Copyright (c) 2024 IKSAD JOURNAL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 9 35 134 158 10.5281/zenodo.14674939